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Block Diagram Of Solar Tracking System Using Arduino
A dummy solar plate is attached in parallel to the axis of servo motor and both the sensors are kept on the dummy solar plate as shown in the figure below. Arduino solar tracker working.
Multi Directional Solar Tracking System
Diy Solar Tracker System Circuit
Time Based Solar Tracking System Using Microcontroller
In this project an arduino nano is used which works as a controlling unit.

Block diagram of solar tracking system using arduino. Block diagram of system this paper proposes the use of dual axis solar tracker. Four ldrs and four 100k resistors are connected in a voltage divider fashion and the output is given to 4 analog input pins of arduino. Try to power it within the recommended input voltage.
Tact switch button resistors 10k 3 nos. Following are the list of components required to design a solar tracker. Since ldr is an analogue sensor they are connected to the analog pins a0 and a1 of arduino.
A single axis solar tracker improves solar output by around 25 and a dual axis tracker by around 40 according to this article on altestore. Solar tracking system using arduino uno board with circuit diagram and preject code project info blog link httpswwwtelugucreativehubtech201904ho. The paper continues with specific design methodologies pertaining to light dependent resistor ldr dc motors solar panel and a software.
The dual axis tracker is a very compatible system to be developed with the usage of labview interface for arduino. The circuit diagram for the arduino based solar tracker using ldr servo motor is given below. This solar tracker control system is designed to take light measurements from the east and west left and right side of the solar panel and determine which way to move the panel to point it directly at the source of the light.
Solar tracking system using arduino pratik pawar ashish yadav pritam makwana shubham patil abstract in this paper a solar tracking system using arduino is designed and built. Assemble the circuit as shown below. The pwm inputs of two servos are given from digital pins 9 and 10 of arduino.
The circuit design of solar tracker is simple but setting up the system must be done carefully. Arduino solar tracker circuit diagram. This system collects free energy from the sun and stores it in the battery and then converts this energy to the respective alternating current.
Time based solar tracking system circuit diagram ds1307 is real time clock ic which is used to keep microcontroller update about real time. The sensors are connected in series with 10 k ohm resistors. Two ldrs light dependent resistor are also connected to analog pins of the arduino.
In this arduino solar panel tracker arduino is powered by the 9v battery and all the other parts are powered by the arduino. For more information about ds1307 and its interfacing with microcontroller check following article. In the circuit two ldr light dependent resistors sensors are used to sense the light.
5 to 12 volt power supply. Arduino recommended input voltage is from 7 to 12 volts but you can power it within the range of 6 to 20 volts which is the limit.
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